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What You Need To Know Before You Sell Your House

Are you looking to sell your home? You’ll first want to make sure you’re up-to-date on the process. This guide covers all of the most important topics to help you get started on the sale process.

First, find an agent to assist you. They’ll guide you through showings, receiving and considering offers, appraisals, and even the closing process. There is a high demand for homes on the market now, especially in the Washington DC area ‘The DMV’, so your home is sure to sell fast if you follow all the steps.

Find an Agent

You must find a real estate agent to work with you. They know the market best and can help you choose the right price for your home. The agent will also negotiate offers and perform the closing.

Selling a home without a pro representing you is a hassle. Make sure to choose one who can represent you the best!

Make Repairs

Next, you’ll need to make sure your home is in excellent condition. That way, you can get the most money from the sale.

Minor problems add up and may deter potential buyers. You don’t need to do any expensive renovations! Instead, fix leaks, dents, and other minor damages to show buyers the home was well cared for.


Showings are when the agent takes potential buyers for a tour through your home. They’ll show them what life would be like there.

You’ll want to give your home a deep clean and tidy up as much as possible before the showings begin. It’s also essential that you stage your home. Staging involves decluttering and showing off your home in the perfect state for buyers.

Staged homes make it easier for the buyer to imagine what living there would be like. You can ask your agent for tips and ideas to make your home as appealing as possible to the buyers.


Negotiating is the most important step! Your agent will negotiate offers for you; offers are what potential buyers are willing to pay for the home.

You can place counteroffers, allowing you to work with the buyer to sell your home. Of course, you don’t want to undersell the value of your home.

If it takes a long time to sell, you may not receive your ideal price. Make sure to keep in touch with your agent!


Appraisals happen before closing the sale. The buyer has professionals come and determine the price of your home. Since the buyer can’t borrow more than the appraisal value for their home loan, you may need to negotiate with them again.

If inspections turn up lots of damages, the buyer may ask for a lower price or turn down the deal. That’s why you must perform all the needed repairs early on.


Finally, closing is when the home transfers from you to the new owner! The agent will have the documents needed to finalize the deal. It’s not uncommon that they’ll have you and the buyer sign them at their office to finish the closing process.

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